Provides office services such as, Electronics (printer and consumables, scanner, PC, notebook, IT, camera, and gadget), Office Supplies (stationeries and papers), Office Equipment (projector, paper shredder), on various marketing media such as Direct Sales, Tele sales, Indirect Channel (In House Store and Point of Purchase/Pop Rack) and B2B E-Commerce

AXIQoe as one stop office service to meet various office needs with service excellence that prioritizes features and benefits for B2B (corporate) customers. Benefits for customers are:

  • Term of payment, B2B customers who make transactions with will get a payment term
  • Approval authorization, all B2B customer transactions have received approval from the authorities, in accordance with the applicable regulations in the customer company
  • History (tracking transaction), it makes tracking previous orders convenient for customers so that they can analyze older transactions.
  • Service level, the ordered products will be delivered quickly, on time, and safely. has been registered as an online shop in the National Public Procurement Agency (LKPP) E-Catalog since September 9.

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